All you need to know- how to use them, recipes....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Oxygen absorbers
Here is an article about oxygen absorbers. Also page 134 of Dare to Prepare book
Baby steps to start your food storage This is a great resource to help you start your food storage using baby steps.
Enough of the Excuses!!
This seems appropriate for April Fools' Day. Its author, Wendy DeWitt,has given us permission to send it to all of you.
#10. My neighbors have a TWO year supply! No, they don't. They don'thave any food. Did you know that 85% of the members of the church don't have any food storage at all? If your idea of food storage is toeat someone else’s food………..this is a really bad plan.
#9. I've paid tithing for 20 years...the church can give me a littlefood. Many members believe that when the times get hard, the church isgoing to come through like Joseph in Egypt. Absolutely not true. Allthe church storehouses and welfare farms across the country would onlyfeed 4% of the members of the church. The church has been asking YOUto store food for 75 years. They're NOT storing food for you. Thus,another bad plan.
#8. I'm moving in with my children / parents! Really....that’s just abad plan all by itself. But it points out that most members don't havea year's supply because they're PLANNING on eating someone else'sfood! Of course, since no one HAS any food, we have yet another badplan.
#7. I have a year's supply...and the bullets to go with it! I've heardtime and again, "How dumb is that to go to all the time and expense of getting food...just to have some guy with a gun come and shoot myfamily to take it away?" Here's a better question. Are you afraid ofthe guy with the gun? Or are you more afraid of BECOMING the guy with the gun? What would you do if your children were starving to death?Would you lie? Cheat? Steal? Would you shoot your neighbor for his food? I guarantee....if you were watching your child starving todeath, you would do anything you had to to keep them alive. If you don't have your year's supply, you are putting yourself in danger oflosing not only your temporal salvation, but your spiritual salvationas well. So far, all the reasons we don't have20our food storage involve eatingsomeone else's food. Please, don't put your family's temporalsalvation in other people's hands. No one is storing food for you. Not your neighbors, not the government...not even the church.
#6. The boat and the 4 wheelers are taking up all my storage space!(priorities!)
#5. 3 letters....Y2K. Ok, that's 2 letters and a number....but they'realways making way too much out of everything! This is never going tohappen!” (Every prophecy that has ever been given WILL happen.)
#4. If anything DOES happen, the government will be here within hours!(insert laughter) Did you know the government has been telling us thatwe need to have food storage? They're actually CALLING it foodstorage! We now have the government telling us to store food, water,medicines...whatever we will need to be able to stay in our homes forseveral months.
#3. I can't afford scrap booking AND food storage. The average foodstorage can cost as little as a dollar a day. We live in the richestsociety in the history of the world, and while there are cases wheremoney may be a problem, most of the time it is a matter of priorities.We have chosen bigger homes, nicer cars, more tv's, computers,vacations ...everything is more important than our food storage. If Iasked, "Who has a cell phone?" most of you would say yes. You pay atleast $30 a month to have a cell phone....that's about a dollar aday ....the cost of one year's supply of food for your child. Is yourcell phone really more important than your child's temporal salvation?You have to make food storage a priority.
#2. I'm waiting for the cannery to sell Papa John's dehydrated pizza!Food storage has always had a stigma attached to it. If it's not wheat, beans and powdered milk, it's not food storage. With the system I use, food storage can be sweet and sour chicken, tamale pie, chileand cornbread, beef stew, shepherd's pie, minestrone...even chocolatechip cookies! Your imagination (and your pocketbook) are the onlylimitations you have. And the
#1 reason why I don't have my year's supply of food? A year??I thought it was 72 hours!!
#10. My neighbors have a TWO year supply! No, they don't. They don'thave any food. Did you know that 85% of the members of the church don't have any food storage at all? If your idea of food storage is toeat someone else’s food………..this is a really bad plan.
#9. I've paid tithing for 20 years...the church can give me a littlefood. Many members believe that when the times get hard, the church isgoing to come through like Joseph in Egypt. Absolutely not true. Allthe church storehouses and welfare farms across the country would onlyfeed 4% of the members of the church. The church has been asking YOUto store food for 75 years. They're NOT storing food for you. Thus,another bad plan.
#8. I'm moving in with my children / parents! Really....that’s just abad plan all by itself. But it points out that most members don't havea year's supply because they're PLANNING on eating someone else'sfood! Of course, since no one HAS any food, we have yet another badplan.
#7. I have a year's supply...and the bullets to go with it! I've heardtime and again, "How dumb is that to go to all the time and expense of getting food...just to have some guy with a gun come and shoot myfamily to take it away?" Here's a better question. Are you afraid ofthe guy with the gun? Or are you more afraid of BECOMING the guy with the gun? What would you do if your children were starving to death?Would you lie? Cheat? Steal? Would you shoot your neighbor for his food? I guarantee....if you were watching your child starving todeath, you would do anything you had to to keep them alive. If you don't have your year's supply, you are putting yourself in danger oflosing not only your temporal salvation, but your spiritual salvationas well. So far, all the reasons we don't have20our food storage involve eatingsomeone else's food. Please, don't put your family's temporalsalvation in other people's hands. No one is storing food for you. Not your neighbors, not the government...not even the church.
#6. The boat and the 4 wheelers are taking up all my storage space!(priorities!)
#5. 3 letters....Y2K. Ok, that's 2 letters and a number....but they'realways making way too much out of everything! This is never going tohappen!” (Every prophecy that has ever been given WILL happen.)
#4. If anything DOES happen, the government will be here within hours!(insert laughter) Did you know the government has been telling us thatwe need to have food storage? They're actually CALLING it foodstorage! We now have the government telling us to store food, water,medicines...whatever we will need to be able to stay in our homes forseveral months.
#3. I can't afford scrap booking AND food storage. The average foodstorage can cost as little as a dollar a day. We live in the richestsociety in the history of the world, and while there are cases wheremoney may be a problem, most of the time it is a matter of priorities.We have chosen bigger homes, nicer cars, more tv's, computers,vacations ...everything is more important than our food storage. If Iasked, "Who has a cell phone?" most of you would say yes. You pay atleast $30 a month to have a cell phone....that's about a dollar aday ....the cost of one year's supply of food for your child. Is yourcell phone really more important than your child's temporal salvation?You have to make food storage a priority.
#2. I'm waiting for the cannery to sell Papa John's dehydrated pizza!Food storage has always had a stigma attached to it. If it's not wheat, beans and powdered milk, it's not food storage. With the system I use, food storage can be sweet and sour chicken, tamale pie, chileand cornbread, beef stew, shepherd's pie, minestrone...even chocolatechip cookies! Your imagination (and your pocketbook) are the onlylimitations you have. And the
#1 reason why I don't have my year's supply of food? A year??I thought it was 72 hours!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Planning your year supply

Getting overwhelmed with the daunting tast of aquiring of a year supply of food? Here is some information that may help. This is a great system a lady used on BYU TV this week. She got 3x5 cards and wrote 7 dinners and 7 breakfasts on them with the ingredients. She multiplies her ingredients by 52 weeks, makes a master list, and whammo- there is what food you need to buy. This way you can look for things on sale and store the food you eat and love and know how to cook.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Gardening show on BYU-TV

Hillary told me about this great program on BYU-TV check it out: Homegrown
Thanks so much for the info, Hillary!!!!
Thanks so much for the info, Hillary!!!!
Home Production is such an important part of Family Preparedness! I have been re-reading Essentials of Home Production and Storage.
“Produce as much as possible…” (page 1 Essentials…)
Excerpts from page 2:
“Let every Latter-day Saint that has land, produce some valuable, essential foodstuff, thereon and then preserve it; or if he cannot produce an essential foodstuff, let him produce some other kind and exchange it for an essential foodstuff…Let those who have land produce enough extra to help their less fortunate brethren.” (Conf Rep, April 1942, p. 89; Messages of the First Presidency, vol. 6)
“We encourage you to grow all the food that you feasible can on your own property….(Spencer W. Kimball, “Family Preparedness,” Ensign, May 1976 p. 124-25, April 1976 p. 170-71)
“….We will see the day when we will live on what we produce.” (Marion G. Romney, Conf. Rep., April 1975. p. 165)
“Produce as much as possible…” (page 1 Essentials…)
Excerpts from page 2:
“Let every Latter-day Saint that has land, produce some valuable, essential foodstuff, thereon and then preserve it; or if he cannot produce an essential foodstuff, let him produce some other kind and exchange it for an essential foodstuff…Let those who have land produce enough extra to help their less fortunate brethren.” (Conf Rep, April 1942, p. 89; Messages of the First Presidency, vol. 6)
“We encourage you to grow all the food that you feasible can on your own property….(Spencer W. Kimball, “Family Preparedness,” Ensign, May 1976 p. 124-25, April 1976 p. 170-71)
“….We will see the day when we will live on what we produce.” (Marion G. Romney, Conf. Rep., April 1975. p. 165)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The 4 Day Experiment
I just finished a 4 day experiment: eating only food storage items. I love my fruits and veggies so I wondered how I was going to fare with out them – especially apples and lettuce. I started some sprouts and wheat grass a few days before so they’d be edible by the time I started my experiment. Found that I love canned ruby red grapefruit but I don’t care for wheat grass. I tried several different ways to eat it…without being able to hide the strong flavor. It really is like eating GRASS! I tried hiding it in a fruit shake but it made the whole shake taste like grass. The best way to get it down was to put some in the blender with a little water and purify it until it was a liquid, then drink it like a shot! My friend, Olivia, suggested putting it in tuna on a sandwich…I’ll have to give that a try. It grows fast! It has grown back to the height it was when I cut it down 2 days ago…I can’t eat it fast enough!!!! AHHHHHHH!
My graham crackers were so old they had gone rancid – good reminder to eat what I store and store what I eat.
I’m collecting some pretty good stories for the Family Preparedness Follies.
Overall I didn’t really miss anything except the apples and lettuce…but it was only 4 days. My alfalfa sprouts did well and were my main green for the days…My favorite food, of course, were the brownies made from storage!
Next experiment will be homemade yogurt from a dried powder start and sunflower seed sprouts and buckwheat groat sprouts.
I’m hoping Jeff and I can make another SLC run sometime soon…love to all. Lynnette
My graham crackers were so old they had gone rancid – good reminder to eat what I store and store what I eat.
I’m collecting some pretty good stories for the Family Preparedness Follies.
Overall I didn’t really miss anything except the apples and lettuce…but it was only 4 days. My alfalfa sprouts did well and were my main green for the days…My favorite food, of course, were the brownies made from storage!
Next experiment will be homemade yogurt from a dried powder start and sunflower seed sprouts and buckwheat groat sprouts.
I’m hoping Jeff and I can make another SLC run sometime soon…love to all. Lynnette
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